Schedule control
Comprehensive control of working hours
Signing, presence control, activity monitoring
and incident registration.
Check in and out from anywhere
With the Plannam App your employees will be able to make the transfer from anywhere in an easy, simple and secure way.
- File with mobile, tablet or PC.
- Record hourly incidents automatically.
- Signing option by reading QR code.

The most complete and simplest presence control
Record all the daily activity of your employees and verify that everyone is in the right place and at the right time.
- Compare the hours worked against the planned.
- Send notifications when an employee misses or exceeds their hour quota.
- Supervises entries, exits and overtime.
- Validate or reject the signing times and add comments to the incidents.
More registration options with biometric devices
Register the signing and time control of your employees with Suprema's biometric devices. Adapt everyone to the new normal.
- temperature reader.
- Registration with fingerprint and FRID.
- Facial recognition (with or without a mask).
- Integrated presence management software.

Why use integral shift control?
Simplifies the signing and registration of the day
Facilitate registration and follow up on the activity of your employees.
Información operativa en tiempo real
Monitor the activity of your employees in real time.
Automates the management of time incidents
Automates the recording of hourly incidents and sends the information to payroll.
Save time in time management
Integration with HR planning and management system.